School enrollment - Many new faces at the HLS

Once again this year, the children and teachers at Hermann-Löns-Schule welcomed numerous newcomers. After Mrs. Hilge had addressed the children and parents at the enrolment ceremony and the third classes had performed their serenade, classes 1a and 1b got straight down to business. The turtles followed Mrs. Laing and the whales swam after Mrs. Neyer. Once they arrived in their classes, the children enjoyed a story, got to know the school and its most important rules and were given their first small homework assignment. After these numerous new things had been digested, the little ones got to know their big mentors from the fourth grade. They help out during breaks or on excursions and are always on hand to offer advice and support.

The staff at HLS and OGS wish everyone a happy and successful time at school. 😊