JeKits - Music School

An educational program for NRW
"JeKits - Jedem Kind Instrumente, Tanzen, Singen" is a cultural education program in primary and special schools in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
JeKits is carried out in cooperation with extracurricular educational partners such as music schools or dance institutions and schools. JeKits has three alternative focuses: Instruments, dancing or singing.
JeKits was launched in the 2015/16 school year as the state-wide successor program to "Jedem Kind ein Instrument" (JeKi for short) and is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
JeKits at the Hermann-Löns-Schule
At the Hermann-Löns-Schule, the JeKits program begins in the first grade. Once a week, Mrs. Brägelmann (teacher at the Gronau-Epe music school) introduces the children to various musical topics in a playful way.
From Year 2 onwards, children can learn a musical instrument of their choice in cooperation with the Gronau-Epe music school. The lessons take place at the Hermann-Löns-Schule. The children are taught both in small groups and in larger groups in the form of an orchestra. Orchestra concerts are held regularly, at which the children present the pieces of music they have already learned to their classmates, parents and grandparents.