Balls, ropes, chalk...

Circus project

My body belongs to me
New toys for the playground - made possible by the Friends' Association
The children and teachers have been waiting a long time for the new break time toy and it is now very popular during all breaks. We would especially like to take this opportunity to thank the Friends' Association and its many members. We would also like to thank Mrs. Laing for her help with the catalogs and for coordinating the material to be purchased with the teachers and children.

New benches
Since summer 2019, there have been new benches in our school playground that invite you to take a break:

The Förderverein supports the JeKits project, which was carried out at our school for the first time in the 2018/19 school year. The Förderverein purchased violins, cellos, guitars, recorders, flutes and djembes for the children to try out the instruments. In the 2019/20 school year, the children used music stands purchased by the Förderverein to learn the instruments.