About us

Dear parents and friends of Hermann-Löns-Grundschule,

In times of increasingly scarce public funding, our support association is more important than ever for our children. Through our work as a registered association, we can support the HLS with your membership fees. The association has been in existence since 1988 and has carried out many great projects, purchases and support over the years.

Our goals:

- Provide additional financial resources for the school

- Support for school festivals, projects, ...

- Design of the schoolyard and school building

- Unbureaucratic support in all areas


Your help:

These goals can only be realized with your support.

Due to our low membership fee of currently €12.00 per year

It should be possible for everyone to support our goals.

We look forward to your financial support as a member

in our support association.


Christof Hagemann Helga Hilge
Chairperson of the school management support association